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Location: Buffalo, New York, United States

My wife and I share our home with 3 greyhounds, 3 cats, occasional foster dogs, and devote much of our free time to finding homes for retired racing greyhounds.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank you John McCain!!!

Sen. McCain - I believe you've just put the exclamation point at the end of the Democratic convention with your Vice President selection today! It's too bad they couldn't have worked in your announcement at the Mile High Stadium acceptance speech yesterday, though I imagine if they had known they would have scrambled to fit you in.

Personally I think the statement that came out today summarizes it all much better than I could ever do myself:

"Governor Palin is a tough executive who has demonstrated during her time in office that she is ready to be president," the McCain campaign asserted in a statement. (courtesy of

I was already looking forward to the debates as it was, but now I just cannot wait until the Vice President (nominee) debates. On to November!!


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